
Agendas & Minutes

Agendas & Minutes

Agendas Minutes
Data Protection

Data Protection

General Data Protection Regulation Policy The following policy explains to councillors, staff and the public about GDPR. Personal data must be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently; collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes;...


To ensure transparency on how your Community Council is spending the precept collected from your council tax we will post relevant financial documents here. We encourage you to scrutinise the documents and hold us to account on the expenditure we commit...
Speeding Data

Speeding Data

Vehicle Activated Signs The Community Council now has its own a speed monitoring device called a SAM 2. This is currently deployed at various locations in and around Spooner Row to encourage motorists to comply with the posted 30 mph speed...
Standing Orders & Policies

Standing Orders & Policies

In this section you will find the regulations and policies adopted by Spooner Row Community Council.