Spooner Row

Corstons Ginger Beer

Corstons Ginger Beer

Today you might know ginger beer as a carbonated drink that is flavoured primarily with ginger and then sweetened with sugar (or now often with artificial sweeteners) but did you know that originally it was an alcoholic beverage fermented from ginger...
Spooner Row in Wartime

Spooner Row in Wartime

A story by Gerald Button, as told in 2005 and contributed to the BBC WW2 People’s War Project. I was born in 1934 and was four years old when the war began and eleven when it ended. I was the baby of the family, with an older brother and s...
Spoons & Brushes

Spoons & Brushes

In the 15th century the woods around Spooner Row were coppiced and the wood used to make spoons, taps and spindles which were then sold in Wymondham. The remnants of a row of 4 clay lump cottages formed part of a plot of land located in Chapel Road,...
The Railway Station

The Railway Station

The Breckland Line with through services from Shoreditch (later known as Bishopsgate) to Norwich Thorpe station started on 15 December 1845. The Railway Station here in Spooner Row was built in 1845, with a signal box (a Great Eastern railway...
War Memorial

War Memorial

The War Memorial The aftermath of the First World War saw the biggest single wave of public commemoration ever with tens of thousands of memorials erected across England. This was the result of both the huge impact on communities of the loss...