As with all councils, councillors are required within 28 days of becoming a member of that council to register any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) or any Local Non-Pecuniary Interests (LNPIs) they may have for publication in the Register of Members’ Interests.
In addition, they must also notify the Monitoring Officer at South Norfolk District Council within 28 days of any change to their DPI’s or LNPI’s.
The Register of Interests will be available for inspection at the offices of South Norfolk District Council by prior arrangement during normal office hours and will be published on that Council’s website.
Please note that newly elected Councillors’ declarations (both DPI’s or LNPI’s) may not appear on the South Norfolk Council website until they have been processed by this District Council.
Register of Interests for Spooner Row Community Council
Councillors Code of Conduct
This Council’s Code of Conduct provides more details of the rules about Disclosure of Members Interest.
The Code of Conduct, as adopted by this Council, is pursuant to its statutory duty to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by Members and Co-opted Members of the Council. This Code applies to all Members and Co-opted Members of the Council.
This Code is based on and is consistent with the principles of selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.
In the interests of transparency and openness, and in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, a copy of the Register of Members’ Interests is published on our website and is available HERE.